The visionary

Oreste took the reins of the family business in the early 1900s.

Growing up in the company founded by his father Felice, Oreste developed a passion for the leather goods industry from a young age.
A visionary young man with noble ideas, he worked diligently to expand Franzi under the seal of innovation and quality.
Driven by curiosity and by a commitment to sustainability, during his numerous trips to Asia, Oreste learnt the most innovative techniques of vegetable tanning and imported them to Italy.
In 1912, Oreste founded the Conceria Monzese in Monza, the first European facility to use vegetable agents for leather tanning.
Under Oreste’s leadership, the Franzi brand gained increasing international prominence. New stores and production sites were opened across Italy.
Particularly attentive to the well-being of employees, he strived to improve working conditions in Franzi’s factories and offices through modern incentive policies, social support and assistance.
Oreste infused energy into all of Franzi’s activities, remaining at the helm of the company during numerous years of success and growth, earning him, in 1933, the title of “Knight of Labour”, a title already awarded to his father, Felice.

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