The first female Italian investigative journalist
Camilla Cederna, a prominent figure in Italian journalism of the twentieth century, was not only a sharp voice, but also a militant feminist and an icon of style with a strong and independent personality.
Born in 1911 in Milan, her sober and elegant style, characterized by impeccable suits, crisp shirts and refined jewelry, reflected her intelligence and tenacity without compromising on her femininity
Feminist protest in Milan (1947) (Courtesy “Comume di Milano”)
Cederna was a pioneer in the world of journalism, in those years dominated by men, and her proud and courageous voice often challenged the prejudice of the time.
Newsroom editorial staff in Milan (1960) Courtesy “Corriere della Sera”
At a time when women were not meant to write about politics, she went against societal norms and fought against the indolence and corruption of the political class.
Her articles, always well-informed and incisive, addressed social and political issues with great insight and sensitivity.
Camilla Cederna’s famous articles on custom and society (1960) (Courtesy Cinefilia Ritrovata)
In addition to her journalistic talent, Cederna was also a successful writer, authoring novels, essays and reports that garnered great success both with the public and critics.
The mini tote Camilla, with its timeless elegance and functionality, reflects the understated and refined style of Camilla Cederna.
Camilla Cederna’s desk and typewriter Courtesy “Palazzo Reale di Milano”

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